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Organize & Organizability

Welcome to Organize and Organizability. This program is for anyone who has a desire to get organized and wants to do it in a way that is reflective of their needs, their work style, and their unique contribution. Although the principles of Organize and Organizability can be applied to any organized body, this course is specifically designed for nonprofit organizations.There are six sections –

  • The Ambiguity of Clutter
  • The Organization and its Internal Information System
  • Business Function and its Design Flaw
  • The Filing System
  • Ongoing Maintenance

By the end of this program you will be able to organize your information system. All of your documents will be available to serve you whenever you call upon them:

Imagine, it’s 3pm and you just learned of a great grant opportunity that would be a perfect fit for your program. Only problem is the Letter of Introduction has to be submitted by 5:00pm. In minutes, you can find a recent letter, written for a similar type of grant proposal, find most current data to update the letter, and submit the letter with time to spare.


Imagine, you’re in a Board meeting you have provided every possible piece of information the board could possibly need to get through the agenda, when you are asked for one more document. You pick up your phone, go to your internal drive, and share the document before the next person speaks.

You will no longer search for files you think you had or wonder if you’re forgetting something. You will know where to look, know it’s the most recent version, with confidence.

This course has five modules where you will work through your nonprofit’s information system, your goals, the hold ups, and the challenges. Ultimately, you will end up with an information system that supports the work of your nonprofit, enhancing what you do and what you need to do.