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Professional Development for Nonprofit Professionals

So, wait, what do you do, exactly?

Today is a particularly gorgeous day in here in Toronto. It seems like Spring has finally arrived, and with that comes a breath of fresh air.

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve given our website a breath of fresh air as well. Our goal was to take away anything that does not specifically serve Nonprofit Professionals (more on that in the coming weeks). And make really clear the services we do offer.

We have 3 distinct changes to tell you about:

Hello, is it me you’re looking for?
Home Page: The features of this page have been readjusted to guide users through the website to connect with us and our services better. You’ll find a very handy question and answer chart on who we work with and how we offer support.

Search “How to …..” About 5,060,000,000 results (0.5 seconds)
Resource Page: Professional development is an important part of all livelihoods, and not always easy to navigate. Especially when there isn’t a line item in the budget. It has been our goal to create an informative and useful website. Recently, we updated the Resources page. Here we provide information on how to access educational tools and supportive resources to help you grow as a nonprofit professional. This page has articles, links to useful websites, book and podcast recommendations, and a list of groups for Nonprofit Professionals to join.

Hi, my name is Tiffany. Nice to meet you.
What We Do Page: Sometimes I find it difficult to know how I fit in to a group or how to specifically ask for help. On this page we’ve created an intake form. This is a form for any Nonprofit Professional who wants to connect with us, but doesn’t necessarily have a specific need, question, or reason to yet; they just know they want to.

If there is something you’d like to see more of, let us know. Respond to this email or visit the website and let us know what you would find helpful as a Nonprofit Professional