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This describes the services Services in Action provides

Support for Nonprofits

Survey time!

The open ended, tell-us-what-you”re-thinking kind.

Much of the resources we create come from nonprofit professionals asking us for help. I love getting questions like what is the best project management software? Or I want to start a charity; how do I begin? Or e need someone to take a second look at our website/fundraising plan/communication piece. Could you do that?

If you can have one thing to make your job easier, either just for today or overall, what would it be? What do you need help with?

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The Origin

My first job in the nonprofit sector was with a large, national charity. On the first day, I was being trained by the person whose job I was hired to fill. I asked about a magnet I saw which had another charity’s contact information.

“Oh,” she replied, “we get a lot of calls from people in the community we serve asking for support groups, which we don’t offer. So, I refer them there.”

“They provide support groups; I didn’t know that.” I said.

“I don’t actually know if they do, but the person in this role before me told me that’s what she did, so I did as well.”

“Well!” I thought to myself. “How irresponsible! Couldn’t you at least call and find out? That is one of the first things I will do.”

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