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Category about information, informing, or being informed

How To Organize Notes

We receive information from many, many sources -books, articles, podcasts, newsletters, social media, mainstream media, and IRL (in real life), of course. How do you take that, retain it, and use it?

Not always, but hopefully frequently enough, we learn something interesting, insightful, helpful, or all of the above. But then what? What do you do when you finish a book, good enough for notes in the margin?

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A Guide to Being Gutsy

For March Services in Action’s Book Club learned about Gutsy Women. There are some stories that show an ordinary act having an extraordinary outcome. These are the most inspirational stories. Sure, in some occasions people had privilege, wealth, or position that ensured a seat at the table or access to someone who could catapult an idea, but in many cases, it was just one person’s decision to act, and ability to organize, and persistence. Here are a few examples:

Juliette Gordon Low heard about the Boy Scouts in the UK and started Girls Scouts in the US. This afterschool program turned into a generational life-long movement, with an alumni of 59 million US women.

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Top 5 Podcasts for Nonprofit Professionals

Over the past year as life has changed, many of us have responded by taking up new hobbies and routines. I for one, have discovered the incredible world of podcasts and audiobooks. Although I have always had a keen interest in listening to stories, this new hobby has really gained momentum. I listen all the time, mostly while doing other chores such as cooking. 

I listen to a lot of podcasts for nonprofit professionals and how to do good better. While not all podcasts are created equal, here is my list of top choices:

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Curated Resources

This Thursday, February 25th is Digital Learning day. While the digital world has presented many new ways to facilitate learning, there are many aspects of the digital world that can inhibit learning. One aspect we frequently come up against is wading through endless streams of information that isn’t quite what we’re looking for.

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Storing, Retaining, and Deleting Files

Should it stay or should it go?

Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the management of files. We’ve looked at how to organize them and what to label them. Now let’s turn to storing them.

A record is a file, photo, video, -anything that captures information. Sometimes they matter and sometimes they don’t. Knowing what to keep is an important part of a well-organized filing system, which is essential for not duplicating work, improving organizational memory, organizational knowledge, and being able to tell the complete story of a project, event, program, or system. 

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